Youth Representatives head back to Conference 2024

Tayla Hill and Jordan Kington are the Youth Representative and Deputy Youth Representative for 2024.  Each returned home during University break and were able to visit the Conferences being held close to home. In Tayla’s case it was in Wellington and for Jordan it was in Dunedin.  Here are a few words from each about their personal experience and takeaway from the events.


I had the opportunity to speak at the Wellington SADD Conference opening session (17th April). In my almost 4 year involvement in the organisation I have never actually been to a SADD conference so I was very excited to finally attend one but also to speak in person.  I have jointly addressed the audience as last year Jess and I made a video to be shown at all of the conferences. This time I could do it in person.  

I didn't know what to expect attending, however knowing that most of these students were very new to SADD (and it being day 1 of conference) I didn't want to overwhelm them about the Youth Representative positions, instead choosing to highlight that supporting safe decisions and safe road users doesn't just end after they finish college. There are further opportunities and I hope to see an increase in the range of connections with students supporting Kaitiaki o Ara after college.  In fact, it’s one of my major goals.

Sadly with my university schedule I was only able to stay for a short period.  However, it was awesome to see the amazing things that were planned for the 3 days (and made me a bit jealous). It reminded me as to why I am still a part of this charitable organisation, and how much I would've loved to have been sitting in their position 4 years ago. 

I signed up to my SADD group at college and applied for a National Leader role because I wanted to make a positive difference in supporting rangatahi to make better decisions around NZ roads.  Looking back, I am confident to say that I have - not just because of the things that I have achieved across my roles in the organisation but also because of my passion for it.

All in all I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend and I would have loved to have stayed longer and chatted to the students about why they signed up, because it was only a few years ago that I was in their position (even if it feels like a lifetime).  Standing in front of them, I recognised their passion for SADD. 

I believe that Conference is a great way to connect students around their region, form new friendships and think deeper into how they can make a difference.  It was also so lovely catching up with the Kaitiaki o Ara team again. Thank you for the warm greetings, I feel very blessed to be surrounded by amazing people. 


I was very excited to go back to Conference for the 2024 experience in Dunedin (15th of April). 

I have been in SADD for 5 years, and last year was my first conference.  This time I attended as a guest during the open partner session and witnessed all the excellent student challenge presentations and enjoyed listening to every group. All should be very proud of the exceptionally high quality of ideas proposed and the final product. 

The students there were very passionate. I was glad to see that the issues addressed by the groups were very relevant to them and what I know of in wider New Zealand. I made a brief presentation to introduce the students to my role and focused on encouraging them to continue the work they do now and consider leadership such as being a National or Regional Leader. 

Then I had a quick chat with current National Leaders to ensure we are becoming more connected across all leadership streams this year.  

I was only there for a short time on the last day, but it was very encouraging to see the effort and passion going back out into SADD for the rest of the year and I was reminded why SADD is so special to me. It is because it is an organisation for young people by young people. A couple of years ago, I was in their shoes, and I am very excited that new messaging and innovation from the conference will be shared during the year. 

It was so lovely to come along, meet current National Leaders and encourage new ones to apply this year. To anyone who did or didn’t hear me speak, you should consider SADD leadership and to everyone at the Kaitiaki o Ara Conference, thank-you for having me.

Dunedin also provided an added bonus with Jess (Youth Representative 2023) coming along to continue support for all things SADD and take in the challenge presentations.  Jess’ takeaway?  “The quality of work was far higher than the conference I went to”

We’ve all come a long way!


Jump in the Driver’s seat, Term 2 is underway


En route with Renee