Introducing Chas and Anne-Marie!

We are excited to have welcomed 2 new staff members to our team this month - Chas has joined us as the Upper North Island Programme Delivery Lead, and Anne-Marie has come in for the next 12 months as parental leave cover for our Upper South Island Programme Delivery Lead role. For this blog post, we’ve asked them to answer some questions to help us learn more about them!


Tena Koutou,

My name is Chas, I am a husband and father of 2 beautiful children. My charismatic daughter’s name is Maia, she is 3 years old, and my boy’s name is Matias, he is 6 months. I was born and raised in South Auckland, spending 12 years of my life in Manurewa before moving to Mighty Māngere, where I spent 10 years living before I moved to Papakura, where I currently live. I am passionate about the things I do on the side of working with Kaitiaki o Ara, I am a Pastor, Pastoring a church in Papakura. Which I love, because I get to see many lives change. I love spending quality time with my family and friends, it’s what gets my heart ticking.

Before coming as the new Upper North Programme Delivery Lead with Kaitiaki o Ara, I was a Police Officer for 4 years, working on the front line, communities and youth space. Before the Police, I worked in two schools. The first school I worked at was Southern Cross Campus, my old high school in Mangere, as a student mentor. My role was to help and encourage struggling year 12 and 13 students with their NCEA, I did this role for 2 years. From there, I worked in a primary school called Baird’s Mainfreight in Otara, where I helped young year 4-5 students in their schoolwork.

I have a genuine passion for people, I tend to look at myself as a ‘think with the heart, not mind’ type of person. I love seeing people succeed and doing well in life, hence the career options I have chosen to be a part of thus far into my life.

What excites you about working with SADD/Kaitiaki o Ara?

 I am excited to continue my passion of working with people, especially young people, our future. I believe that if our young people are given a genuine opportunity before they are adults, they have the best chance to do well in life. Working with Kaitiaki o Ara, allows me to see this purpose fulfilled.

 I am looking forward to building young leaders and creating safer roads not just for our young people, but for all road users.

What does Road Safety mean to you?

To me, it means having an understanding about safety measures we all, as road users, should understand and consider. Because roads are not only used for cars, but roads are also used for bikes, skateboarders, pedestrians, parking and so forth. So, road safety to me is measures to consider when you are on the road, whether that be driving, cycling or walking. If we are using the roads, we must consider others and think before we act.


If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

 1.       Would have to be my family.

2.       My bible

3.       Food and water can’t live without food. (Especially water)


Where is your favorite place to go on holiday and why?

If I am speaking hypothetically, where I would want to go, would be Israel. I’m not much of a travel junkie, so I am quite deliberate with the places I go to. So, if there could be any place I would go, it would be Israel. Because there are so many fascinating things I want to see there, for me, it would be like a kid going to Rainbows End for the first time.

Kia ora everyone

I am Anne-Marie, a Mum to our 16 year old daughter who is also a Year 12 involved in SADD. I am married to a Fire Fighter for the past 19 years and grew up as the daughter of a Police Officer. I have been privileged to grow through a few different careers including Flight Attendant, Telecom Linesman, Royal New Zealand Air Force and many adventures working with NASA and the United States Space Camp in the Aerospace Industry. Through these experiences I hold 12 licences including car, truck & trailer, hagglund, boats and aircraft.

Before joining SADD I was Operations Co-ordinator for a Bus Manufacturing Company and a teacher at High Schools. I have my own Space Outreach Programme called Kids in Space travelling to schools to teach science curriculum subjects, including Matariki.

What does Road Safety mean to you?

Together all drivers on the road obeying the road rules and driving respectfully of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Watching our daughter in horse competitions, boating and sewing.

What excites you about joining the team at Kaitiaki o Ara/SADD?

Working with young people passionate about road safety and wanting to share that with their peers.

If you were on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

1) Water desalination kit so I can have fresh safe water to drink all the time.

2) Food or seeds so I can eat/grow food.

3) Mirror to signal for help and/or start a fire

Where is your favourite place in the whole world?

Wainui Banks Peninsula. I grew up there and had many adventures with boating, beach days, fishing, family and friends

Welcome to the team Chas and Anne-Marie, we’re all excited to have you on board and can’t wait to follow your journey with us.


A Sign for the Times


Term 2 spotlight: Central North Island