No Distractions

You wouldn’t text while walking on a tight rope, so why would you text while driving? Even reading a small text while behind the wheel is the same as driving the entire length of a rugby field blindfolded. In that time, you can drive past over 20 parked cars. In 2018, 38.8% of all distraction- related crashes involved a driver who was under 25.

There are many distractions when using the road, including cellphones, passengers, eating, navigation... basically anything that takes your attention away from what’s in front of you! We are the young people that can make the change. Put down the cheeseburger, pick up these resources, get involved, and drive the change you want to see on our roads.

Go phone Free (was Phone Free 48) is a good example of how you can get out there and bring awareness to the plaguing movement of distracted drivers. It brings attention to the risks caused by driving, and how we can collectively work to reverse the effects.

Featured Activities


Focus or Fail

Create an obstacle course for students to complete. Time them first without and then with a distraction to demonstrate the dangers of being distracted. This is great for the whole school!

Chalk Outlines

Use chalk to draw outlines of objects, people, streets, or even a roundabout! Write some key messages or tips for safe driving inside. See our Helplinks for great information to include.

Post-it Pledge


Create A3 pledges for your school community - “I pledge to…”. Encourage students to write on a post-it note one safe driving habit they will commit to, to sign their name, and put on the pledge.


 Check out last years Phone Free campaign

NZTA Infographics

distractions 2.PNG

Links to external info/agencies /partners


Safe Speeds


Avoiding Risks