Leadership applications open now!

Applications to our Leadership Programmes are now open! We are excited to open the doors for a new cohort of awesome, inspiring year 12s to join our National and Regional Leadership Programmes, and also to offer a new leadership opportunity for students of any year level to join our Māori Advisory Rōpū.

Leadership is something we feel incredibly strongly about at Kaitiaki o Ara/SADD – our programme has always been centered around giving young Kiwis opportunities to learn and practice essential leadership skills and take part in activities that will benefit their future in many ways. We offer 6 streams of leadership:  in-school leaders, National Leadership Programme (NLP), Regional Leadership Programme (RLP), Māori Advisory Rōpū, Board of Trustees Youth Representatives, and student alumni. This month we are welcoming applications to 3 of our leadership programmes – NLP, RLP and Māori Advisory Rōpū.

So which of these opportunities are for you?

The National Leadership Programme is an opportunity for students to build their leadership experience and networking skills, work with likeminded youth from around Aotearoa, help develop SADD’s vision and plan for the future, represent young people at a national level and advocate for young people committed to preventing loss on our roads. National Leaders focus on projects and issues that affect the SADD programme nationally, such as providing input to programme development, resource design, and strategic development.

National Leaders get together for training workshops in the school holidays, learn about key topics such as media presence and road safety strategy, and provide consultation and youth input into the SADD programme. If you’re someone who loves looking at the big picture and having a say in the ‘why’ of the SADD programme, then the NLP could be for you.

The Regional Leadership Programme is an opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills in a regional context, working primarily on innovative group and individual projects that will benefit SADD groups within the different regions around Aotearoa. This includes designing solutions to improve school/community group collaboration and communication, improving tools to support school group leaders and committees and creating tailored resources to contribute to the success of the programme at ground level.

Regional Leaders get together for regular virtual group meetings, receive group and individual support from SADD staff and gain experience in teamwork, problem solving and networking. If you’re someone who loves to work with a small group and focus on how the programme is run in your region, then the RLP could be a great fit for you. The RLP also comes with slightly less time commitment that the NLP so is well suited for busy people who may have lots of other things on in the school holidays, but that still want to be involved and grow their skills.

The Māori Advisory Rōpū is a collective that works within Kaitiaki o Ara to enhance Māori engagement and develop ways to align better with Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As a member of the Māori advisory rōpū it is your role to help guide Kaitiaki o Ara from a Māori perspective. The aim is to work as a collective to better connect with Māori in creating safer roads in Aotearoa. This leadership opportunity is open to rangatahi in years 9-13 or ages 13-18.

Applications are open for all 3 of these opportunities until the 2nd of June. The NLP and RLP can be applied for on the same form – you will just need to select which one you would like to be considered for (you can also select both!) The Māori Advisory Rōpū has it’s own application form. More info and both application forms can be found here.

We encourage you to throw your hat in the ring! Or if you know someone who you think would be great – send them this link and give them a nudge to apply. These opportunities are an incredible springboard into all sorts of amazing experiences through your final school years and beyond.

And for anyone who needs a little more convincing, here are some comments from previous National and Regional leaders when asked “What would you say to someone thinking of applying for the programme?”

  • Go for it, it is such a rewarding and worthwhile experience to build on your leadership skills. You will gain so many amazing qualities and have a lot of fun along the way

  • Put yourself out there and make the most of it!!!

  • Definitely give it a go, it is an amazing experience and helps you grow in so many different ways.

  • Go for it! This opportunity is such a great one, as you are fully supported and empowered to achieve highly and inspire positive change around road safety in NZ.

  • If the breadth of personal and leadership skills you will gain as an individual isn't enough, let the important connections with others around the country be.

  • Definitely definitely definitely apply. Even if it feels way out of your comfort zone - or you think there’s so chance in hell you’ll get it - apply. It’s life changing

So what are you waiting for? Apply today!


Sandra has a new role!


Conference Season 2023