Introducing our new leaders!

We are so excited to introduce our new year 12 National and Regional Leaders! These bright minds have all been selected for our programmes based on an application, interview and reference checking process and we can’t wait to get stuck into some awesome projects with this crew!

Quick re-cap of these two Leadership Programme streams:

Regional Leadership Programme - Young leaders working on issues that impact their regions, representing young people involved with SADD in their region, and working on projects involving strengthening the regional connections and collaboration between SADD students and groups.

National Leadership Programme - Young leaders representing young people involved in SADD at a National Level, they focus on projects and issues that affect the SADD programme nationally including providing youth input to national programme development, resource and merchandise design, strategic development and more.

Here are our amazing year 12 leaders! You can also see more info about each of our leaders on our website


Need inspiration for SAFER September?


Wairarapa coming together and taking action!