Sober Drivers

For years New Zealand has waged a war on drink driving, and there have been significant improvements in youth drink driving culture! A study conducted by AA research foundation found that between 2009-2014 there was a 62% decline in youth drink driving and 84% decline in youth repeat drink driving. This is an endorsement of the legislative and policy changes and education initiatives focused on youth drink driving and young drivers during this time. It strongly suggests that if SADD work alongside our road safety partners further reduction is possible.

Now it’s time we step up and focus on drug driving too. In the past 4 years, there have been 2,075 serious crashes due to young people driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. There is an opportunity for us young kiwis to reconsider how we see the increasing impairment problems that we and our peers face. Check out our resource and activity suggestions below  for ways you can get involved to make a difference and reverse the growing statistics of driving under the influence. By spreading the word, we can educate all New Zealanders and ensure this continues to be a declining issue among young drivers. It‘s up to us.

Featured Activities


The Influencers

Create posters to display around the school that include photos and quotes from influential people stating why they wouldn’t drink drive.

Advisory Notices

Place SADD Advisory Notices on the windscreen of cars at school to raise awareness of key road safety issues and to promote safe choices. These can be found in the downloads section.

Text me Friday

Send out a ‘be safe’ message to 5 friends and ask them to pass it on. This can be done over text, social media or through school notices.


NZTA Infographics


Links to external info/agencies /partners


Safe Speeds